Hey yo (2020)

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RENT THIS GAME - 100 CZK *per period
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In Hey Yo: The Card Game with a Beat, you all play cards to a shared music chart so that you can ideally create solid rhythms and score points. The game includes a small dedicated device that you can use to accompany the gameplay, with players needing to play a card when the music indicates this. If you can't play in time to the rhythm, you're penalized, so you must talk quickly to share information and decide which cards to play. (Alternatively, you can play music of your choice to set the rhythm of play for the game.) Hey Yo includes two identical decks of cards, so instead of playing a co-operative game with 2-5 players, you can have 4-10 players split into teams to compete against one another.

Approximate playing time: 15 min

Please notice: some Rules are available only in specific languages.

Categories: Party

Type: Cooperative Game

Mechanics: Pattern Building

Players: 2

Players: 3

Players: 4

Players: 5

Players: 6

Players: 7

Players: 8

Players: 9

Players: 10

See also